Monday, December 21, 2009

Dear Management

Dear Management,

Thanks for the festive $5 Starbucks gift card. Given that I have worked something like 80 to 100 hours of overtime in the last four weeks, that means you value my time at approximately 5¢ per hour. Except that I'm pretty sure the people who can't do a damn thing right and leave the office at 3pm got the same thing. So I guess that pretty much reduces your perceived value of my time to 0.

Good to know.



The Broasted said...

I take offense to this. I don't leave the office until at least 4:30.

Plus, you left out the very generous lottery tickets.

Kate said...

I did leave out the lottery tickets, which were, indeed, enormously generous. However, since I didn't win anything (shock!), I would rather have gotten a $7 Starbucks card.