Saturday, April 4, 2009

Egg Hunt

Today was an egg "hunt" at our local zoo. (I put "hunt" in quotes, because the eggs were basically just strewn all over the ground--no actual hiding or hunting involved.) Both kids went, along with their cousin. The kids were grouped by age, so the Younger Child was in a different group (the bunnies) from the Elder Child and his cousin (the chicks).

First up was the bunnies. To say that the Younger Child, with his Tonka truck Easter basket, was somewhat lacking in the clue department is to put it mildly. At first, he wouldn't pick anything up, even when he was right next to it. Finally, he picked up a couple of things, and he was done. Luckily, he was perfectly satisfied with that, and happy with his goodies.

Then the chicks went, and the Elder Child was off, dashing around, gathering eggs into his Star Wars basket. He ran like a champ and got a good haul, as did his cousin.

After the hunt, we all went to Red Robin for lunch, where the Easter Bunny put in an appearance.

Tomorrow? Egg dyeing. And next week, another egg hunt on Saturday, then brunch on Sunday, followed by yet another egg hunt and a family gathering at my mother-in-law's.

Pretty festive for an atheist family, no?

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