Monday, April 6, 2009


It has come to my attention that the readership of this blog might be getting dangerously close to a whole hand. While of course I am glad that people are actually reading the blather that I post, it is also quite anxiety inducing.

It was one thing when nobody read it. Not even a big deal when I realized that the Husband added it to his RSS feed. But!...I feel as though I actually have to write something worth reading. And let's be honest--the chance of that happening...especially during my 30-posts-in-30-days slim at best.

Today, for instance. Entirely a metapost. Not even remotely interesting. But since I am getting awfully close to my midnight deadline for tonight's post, this is what you're getting.

So, better luck next time. Stay tuned until tomorrow, when I might post about religion, politics, or why The Matrix was just a bad movie.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I fell asleep right after reading this, as I was anxious with anticipation when I thought this was the day you'd give up. Granted, it was only for about 7 minutes. If you run out of ideas, I suggest a "my own personal falling asleep tricks" entry. xoxo